Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Training Rides

One reason I have decided to start this blog is to document my training rides and race results. I'll be using RoadBikeRides.com to show the routes that I am racing and training on. If you haven't already heard of that site, check 'em out.

Tuesday's I typically stick around in Logan County after work and do some kind of hill ride. The riding in Logan County is my favorite. There are all varieties of hills to train on... and I love to climb.

Tonight's workout plan was to complete 5 hill climb repeats of about 6 minutes in duration. I use a big gear such that my cadence stays between 50 and 65 rpm and I target 300 W, which is about 110% of my functional threshold power (FTP). When I'm riding in Logan County, I always complete the hill repeats on CR 5, starting at the intersection of CR and CR 25 and finishing at the top of the climb, just south of SR 540. Here is a link to the course that I used for tonight.

Today, there was an electric company maintenance crew working right at the location where I start the intervals. I got some strange looks as I kept going up and down the hill from the dude tasked with controlling traffic around the worksite. As I started my last repeat, I announced, "This is the last time," to which he replied, "Oh, good, I thought you were lost."

Anyway, it was a good ride as I completed all of the repeats at or above my target of 300 W. It was nice to get a good ride in tonight as tomorrow I will not get a chance to ride due to work obligations. Too bad, because I will miss Wednesday Worlds again.

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